Personalisation in Healthcare with GenAI

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To really cure people, rather than providing just a pill, requires a much more holistic approach than can be offered in traditional healthcare. We all appreciate how AI is adding value in Healthcare , from interpreting data faster, quicker, better, to step changes in imaging and diagnostics in cancer treatments. Nutrition, sleep, stress management, proper exercise, mental attitude, light explore all can make dramatic differences to patient outcomes. In traditional healthcare, there is just no time to take care of all these issues. NHS waiting times, extremely busy doctor schedules, all but ensures this is next to impossible. In private healthcare setting, there is more time, but again, but the medical history relates to an upcoming operation or schedule and rarely looks at all the other major factors that affect our quality of overall health. Most Doctors aren't trained in any of the areas, particularly diet and nutrition which can make such an impact on health outcomes. They certainly don't have time to collect all the data required, process it and follow up with the patients. Major lifestyle changes also requires a great deal of support. At the start of March, many of us will have ritually gone to the Gym in January and tried very hard to maintain our New Year Resolutions. It's really hard to make significant lifestyle changes, and the fact of the matter is, most people fail. It needs a dedicated team to get through the hard days, to teach them how to overcome personal issues, emotional roadblocks, insecurities, and all the mental and practical obstacles preventing them from achieving meaningful change. This is a different way to do healthcare. which ultimately can scale to help millions of people. At Xeesty we are using AI to learn based on the actual feedback from patients. The beauty of the model is its scalability, The more data, the more learning and the more personalisation we can offer to patients to deliver better experiences, provide more advocates and community health champions.

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