Astonishing Success in Respiratory Care: From Animal Trials to Human Recovery
The world was caught off guard by the Covid-19 pandemic. The symptoms of the virus can be life-threatening and have had disastrous effects on the health and economies of countries around the globe.
It is a well-known fact that atelectasis of alveoli, necrosis of Type 2 pneumocytes interstitial inflammation and anoxia, as in ARDS, is the primary cause of death in Corona Virus sufferers. Current palliative treatments, including administration of corticosteroids, do not offer predictable outcomes despite endotracheal intubation and oxygen administration, which has very little effect on SpO2 values. Administered Oxygen is prevented from reaching the bloodstream by Phospholipase A2 (DA2PL), which causes dysfunction of the surfactant system and the development of ARDS. However, if the barrier preventing O2 from entering the bloodstream is broken electrostatically, then the O2 enters the bloodstream immediately - in literally five minutes. And one can measure this dramatic effect using an Oximeter.
ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) – the main cause of death in Covid-19 patients - manifests because current methods of administering Oxygen to patients to alleviate and remove symptoms are rendered ineffective because the absorption of O2 is blocked by the Phospholipase A2 (DA2PL) dysfunction of the surfactant system. At present, 40% of ARDS patients die.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
COPD is the third leading cause of death worldwide, causing 3.23 million deaths in 2019. Over 80% of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries. COPD causes persistent and progressive respiratory symptoms, including difficulty in breathing, cough, and/or phlegm production. COPD results from long-term exposure to harmful gases and particles combined with individual factors, including events that influence lung growth in childhood and genetics. Environmental exposure to tobacco smoke, indoor air pollution, and occupational dust
The human respiratory system is an intricate mechanism that performs the vital task of supplying oxygen to the body's organs and tissues while eliminating carbon dioxide. Several factors can compromise this process, leading to respiratory distress or failure. Southern Africa, like many other regions of the world, faces significant challenges in addressing respiratory illnesses, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Technology should not replace current medical interventions. Instead, it is complementary to them. Approvals in different territories are different, so there is a need for a holistic approach to the problem.
In 2001, a medical team in Southern Africa faced a daunting task of rescuing an 84-year-old patient who had developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) following a prostatectomy. Despite mechanical oxygenation, the patient's oxygen levels continued to decline, reaching a dangerous 70%. The medical team intervened, administering an anti-oxidant solution to the patient. Remarkably, the patient regained consciousness, and the oxygen levels increased to 95% within minutes. The medical team confirmed these results with printouts and personal observations.
Encouraged by the positive outcomes, the medical team shared their experience with the faculty staff of the Neonatal (Pulmonary) section of Tygerberg Hospital, Bellville, Cape Town, who agreed to conduct animal trials to test the efficacy of Catholyte in treating ARDS. The trial involved NZW rabbits, and the results were equally astounding. All the test subjects treated with solutions survived, while the control animals perished, despite mechanical ventilation.
Unfortunately, the medical team could not publish their findings as they did not have the required number of test subjects to comply with statistical requirements. Despite this setback, their experience and subsequent animal trials paved the way for further research in respiratory care.
Fast-forward to 2021, and is making significant strides in respiratory care. In one instance, a patient with shortness of breath received four squirts from the O2U bottle and immediately experienced relief. Her oxygen levels increased to 96% within 30 minutes, and she continued to use the product, reporting improved lung function and reduced inflammation. Another patient, Henning, who had smoked for 60 years and had respiratory complications, reported significant improvements in his lung function and overall well-being after inhaling O2U Sanitising Mist.
The O2U product has also shown remarkable results in addressing COVID-19 related respiratory complications. In one instance, Dr Hinze, the creator of the O2U product, administered the fine mist to a patient suffering from COVID-19-related breathing complications. The patient had already been in the ICU twice before and was a heavy smoker. After inhaling the O2U mist, the patient started feeling relief, and within minutes, he was able to get up and see off departing guests.
The O2U product's success in respiratory care can be attributed to its unique composition of natural salts, minerals, and trace elements, which generate negatively charged ions that enhance the body's ability to absorb oxygen.
In conclusion, the O2U product by Hinzetech is a promising breakthrough in respiratory care that offers hope to patients with various respiratory illnesses, including those affected by COVID-19. As more research and clinical trials continue to validate its efficacy, the O2U product could potentially transform respiratory care and improve the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.