Invasive and superficial surgical procedures require the use of lavage or rinsing solutions to remove foreign matter, excess blood, necrotic tissue, and exudate from the field of intervention. However, current lavage solutions are not microcidal, meaning that they do not kill pathogens on contact. This poses a risk of infection to patients and can delay the healing process, resulting in increased hospital stay and treatment costs.
To address this problem, the invention provides for the composition, formulation, and generation of biocompatible microcidal lavage solutions. These solutions not only remove foreign matter from the field of intervention but also eliminate pathogens by virtue of their microcidal effect and neutralize toxins produced by them. In addition, these solutions may be formulated to provide styptic properties, reducing the risk of infection during surgical interventions.
One of the key components of the biocompatible microcidal lavage solutions is it is highly efficacious, achieving high kill rates of bacteria tested. It is also capable of neutralizing products produced by pathogens, such as endo-, necro-, and cytotoxins. Additionally, electrolyzed water produced at certain parameters exhibits styptic properties.
It is important to note that the composition, formulation, and production of solutions differ significantly. The properties of these solutions also differ, with electrolyzed solutions being microcidal, non-cytotoxic, and osmotically balanced.
The use of biocompatible microcidal lavage solutions in surgical interventions can result in faster wound healing and reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, the use of these solutions can lead to reduced treatment costs and minimize the formation of disfiguring scar tissue.